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Sunday 13 February 2011

iPad edition!

Teaching and Learning iPad edition

The iPad has like most apple inventions started to change the way that people think about their work and they way that they can engage with others. As this is happening in the world outside of education it seems only right that education should now start to think about catching up and moving forward the way we use technology and the way that we interact with the classes that we teach.

The traditional way of using ICT, outside of the computer technology lessons normally falls under the remit of 'go find out X and make a PowerPoint/Word document about it' or 'use the Internet to do Y, and print it off, we will use it (in a really boring paper way) next lesson' or at times not at all. The use of an interactive device that is very portable can dramatically influence the course of a lesson.

Simple things become possible, taking the register at the door, it is a fact that being able to greet students at the door improves the lesson, students feel that they are part of the learning and it sets off the lesson to a good start. Rewards and sanctions can instantly be delivered, whether that is in the form of Vivo Miles or a letter that is easily and instantly accessible from the Note Pad application, this can be done instantly in front of the student. It’s very basic but very important aspects of teaching and learning and made possible by having the iPad at the teacher’s deposal.

There are of course a whole range of applications that the iPad has at its disposal, many of these have educational uses. A few of them would need the iPad to be connected to the interactive white board, it would be my suggestion that for the purpose of teaching and learning the small adapter lead that connects it to a VGA cable also is used.

RAG, the random activity generator! By simply shaking the device an activity is chosen. A simple enough application but great for students and staff a like to use, no one knows what the activity is going to be. It could be 'explain the wives of Henry VIII as a doodle' or ' explain the Wall Street crash as an announcement in Euston station'. It’s possibly not the most complicated application but one that will almost certainly heighten engagement.

Teach Pal, is in its infancy, yet promises to be an application that could transform teaching and learning. This little application utterly replaces the teacher’s planner, placing all the information into one application. Classes are created and then data a can be inputted to it building a picture of what level the class is performing, how home works are completed and to what level. More importantly this data can be instantly emailed to both students and parent. This gives them up to the second information about the student.

One application that can't be discounted is the use of social media that will allow students to really take hold of their own learning and give the teacher access to instant feed back. Students don't always want to tell us what the problem is, for a variety of reasons; they aren't confident to, they don't want to show themselves up or simply they don't feel that there is anyone that can help them, the teacher might be 'buzzing' about helping other students. However simply telling them the answer also not the way to go, students need to learn to find their own answers that will allow them to develop research skills that they will find essential in their future.

Social media has now taken over most of our ways of communications, Face Book, twitter and even flicker or yfrog have taken over many of the tradition ways of explaining what's going on in our life's. The use of social media combined with the technology that students have at their figure tips, means that we have the most technologically advanced students there has ever been, able to access any facts, information and data that they could possibly want, the problem is that they are unaware how to use these virtually unlimited resources to their advantage.

The use of Twitter in the classroom means that students can start to use social media to their advantage as can the teacher. Social media such as Twitter is being used by professionals to research people’s opinion instantly or to gather a wealth of opinion from all over the globe, why can our students do the same. Being able to tweet students who are in class at the same time as them is a massive advantage. Students often learn more from their peers, and are more likely to feel comfortable seeking advice from students who they've never met before (or are ever likely too). Students could also start to look at tweeting to students who are linked to the content that they are studying, for example, a student looking at the Wall Street crash could tweet to students in America asking about reaction, views or interpretations.

The most impressive learning that would take place would be the students understanding how to use social media to their advantage and using it for their learning. With the lesson using technology and programs that the students use in their everyday working life. Using technology that interests them, on devices that work seamlessly and programs that are designed for stylish access motivates and engages students, naturally increasing their achievement.

There are other aspects of the iPad that will drastically improve the role of teaching and learning in the classroom. Prezi have just launched their app (10.01.11), allowing the user to use Prezi to its full advantage. TED's videos are also instantly accessible as are other interactive programs such as 'what happened today' or 'Wikipedia' give instant access incurring student and teacher a like to interact in this new age of teaching and learning.